utorok 6. novembra 2012

Dr. Phelgye Tendzin program, November 23.-29. 2012

Krátky životopis 

Dr. Tendzin Phelgje sa narodil v roku 1969 v Sikkime. Od detstva sa mud dostalo kláštorného vzdelania.  Od roku 1992 študoval tibetskú medicínu na Inštitúte tibetskej medicíny Čagpori  v Dárdžílingu v Indii (Chagpori Tibetan Medical Institute (Darjeeling, India)) a v roku 1996 úspešne doštudoval a potom v roku 1997 dokončil odbornú prax. Od tej doby pracuje v oblasti farmaceutiky pod vedením Ctihodného Trogawa Rinpočeho, ktorý bol jedným z najvýznamnejších lekárov-lamov 20. Storočia. Je hlavou oddelenia farmaceutiky v inštitúte Čagpori. 

Pia 23.11. Brno / konzultácie / prednáška kontakt M. Brada, michalbrada@gmail.com, tel. 776835848

So-Ne 24.-25.11.: Praha / víkendový certifikovaný kurz Vhodná strava a jednanie podľa tibetskej medicíny a Základy moxovania. Zdravotné konzultácie
Kunkyabling, Ing.Stanišová Nikol, 606 041 474nikol.stanisova@gmail.com, Opletalova 35, www.dzogchen.cz

Po 2-6.11. Olomouc / konzultácie. prednáška kontakt Ing.Jozef Auxt, tel. solofreea@gmail.com, 775147657

27.11. Ut: Zilina / konzultácie, 9-17 www.modryvrch.sk+421 948 365 078 

28.11. Str: Trencin /konzultácie11-15,Penzion Peter Kubranská 28, tel. 0915229953,
                - prednáška, "Tibetská medicína,ako žiť zdravo a spokojne v dnešnom sveteô 1730
                Naturalia, Mierové námestie 38, Trenčín, tel. tel: 032/74 36 969

29.11. Štv:  Bratislava iba konzultácie - Literárna čajovňa, 10-16h, Grosslinoga 48, BA, www.literarnacajovna.sk
                  lukas.chmelik@gmail.com, 0915229953

na konzultácie je treba sa vopred objednať emailom alebo telefonicky

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štvrtok 1. novembra 2012

27.-29.10.2012 sa uskutočnila 2. Medzinárodná konferencia o tibetskej medicíne v indickej Dharamsale

(uvádzame iba v angličtine)

Date:    27th – 29th October 2012Venue:   Dharamsala, India
Jointly Organized by:Central Council of Tibetan Medicine (CCTM) DharamsalaMen-Tsee-Khang (TMAI) DharamsalaChagpori Tibetan Medical Institution (CTMI) DarjeelingCentral University of Tibetan Studies (CUTS) Sarnath, Varanasi


1.       About the Conference:
Tibetan medicine with a history of more than 2500 years is based on the unique system of indigenous medicine practiced in Tibet for hundreds of years with the integration of wisdom from various Asian medical systems. With the growing popularity of Tibetan medicine worldwide due to its holistic approach and its multi-faceted wisdom, the responsibility to share and propagate the true essence of Tibetan Medicine has fallen on us to avoid any misrepresentation of our rich culture. Conducting conference is one of the most effective approaches to share the profound knowledge of Tibetan Medicine to doctors and the interested individuals as well as to benefit all suffering beings. Thus, the idea of this 2nd international conference on Tibetan Medicine comes into birth.  We have invited Tibetan medical scholars from all around the world to explore their knowledge and practical experiences in accordance with the title of the conference. This conference will be the 2nd international conference on Tibetan Medicine, considering the medical conference held at samye, Tibet during King Tresong Duetsen in the 8th century as the 1st international medical conference. 
2.        Host Organizations:
Central Council of Tibetan Medicine (CCTM)
Central Council of Tibetan Medicine (CCTM), Gangchen Kyishong, Dharamsala – 176215, India, was established on 5th Jan. 2004. It was established after an “Exile Tibetan Doctor's Association Act - 2003” which was passed by the 13th Assembly of the Tibetan People’s Deputies, Tibetan government in Exile, with the final approval by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. CCTM is a registered council with total strength of 400 members. This council is the statutory body to preserve and promote Tibetan Medicine. It also monitors the registration of Tibetan Medical Practitioner, Tibetan Medical Colleges/Institute and its Pharmaceutical Companies and Units.
Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute (TMAI)
Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute popularly known as ‘Men-Tsee-Khang’ was established on March 23rd, 1961 with the sole objective of preserving Tibetan medicine and astrology, catering optimum medical facilities to the people and as a centre for higher study and research on Tibetan medicine and Astrology. Men-Tsee-Khang houses a strong infrastructure of Pharmaceutical Department, Tibetan Medical and Astro. College, Clinical Research Department, Materia Medica Department, Literary Research Department, Herbal Product Research Department, Astrology Department, Translation Department, Quality Assurance Department,  Museum and eight Administrative Departments. At present, the Institute's headquarters in Dharamsala oversees the operation of 48 branch clinics in India. The institution also provides basic and advance courses for Traditional Tibetan Medicine and Astrology to the Westerners, research on various ailments and sharing exchange program with University of Minnesota. 
Department of Sowa Rigpa, Central University of Tibetan Studies (CUTS)
The Central University of Tibetan Studies (CUTS) was founded in 1967 as conceived by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the first Prime Minister of India, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, financed by Govt. of India. In the year 1988, the Institute was declared Deemed to be a University and in the year 2001, the Institute became one of the few five star accredited among the Universities of India. It offers degree programs in Buddhist Philosophy and Classical Languages, Tibetan Medicine and Astrology, and Tibetan fine arts. Department of Sowa-Rigpa, under the Faculty of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology, was first established in the year 1993. This department comprises of Medical Class, Pharmacy, Pathology, Research, Clinic and Herbal garden.
Chagpori Tibetan Medical Institute (CTMI)
Chagpori Medical College was established at Lhasa, Tibet in the year 1696 by Desi Sangye Gyatso, an eminent scholar of Tibetan Medicine & Astrology, to comply with the divine wish of His Holiness the Great Fifth Dalai Lama. Dr.Trogawa Rinpoche (late), alumni of Chagpori Medical College, Tibet has re-established the Chagpori Tibetan Medical Institute in Darjeeling, West Bengal on March of 1992 to promote its ancient medical tradition and to continue the lineage. Presently, CTMI comprises of Medical College, Clinic & Dispensary and Pharmacy.
3. Theme of the Conference:
·       History and Development of Tibetan Medicine
·       Basic Principle of Tibetan Medicine
·       Mind Body relationship
·       Various external therapies used in Tibetan Medicine
·       Clinical research and efficacy of Tibetan Medicine
·       Pharmacology and its practice
·       Identification of medicinal plants and its usage
·       State of Tibetan Medicine around the world
·       Paper presentation for aspiring young doctors